The number 3 most frequent complaint by the staff was a little complicated and I have held off posting about unitl I personally spoke with some of them and got some clarification.
On the survey there were a number of #3 responses.
- Don't just say Hi! when there is a problem
- 'Good Evening' is not the correct response when asked how is everything is going?
- Don't be afraid to talk to me, I am an adult!
The cleaning staff would much rather have you the customer point out the problems right away so they can be addressed immediately not at the quarterly staff meeting. It is a cry for communication and something that I am encouraging the cleaners to be a little more direct in their discussions with employees they see at night. Don't just nod, wave or say hello but every once in a while ask specific questions about the service, their work area and the the overall perception of our performance. All feedback is welcome at all times by everyone on the staff, we all count on our jobs for various personal reasons but keeping you the customer happy is our number 1 job to insure that we keep our jobs!
Thanks for reading this past year and I look forward to sharing more thoughts and ideas with you in 2005.
Ken Galo
L & K Cleaning Services